
LaunchPad Creative - #LPCBookCorner - Leadershift by John C. Maxwell

We are avid readers at LPC and thought we'd share some of our favorite books with you. Each month we will select a book on a variety of topics - leadership, brand marketing, digital marketing, sales strategy, biographies - and highlight the nuggets that inspired us.

Up first is one of our favorite authors, John Maxwell, and his latest book Leadershift.

Leaders today are constantly challenged to make decisions and guide their organizations into the unknown, especially at this time when technology advancements are coming at a faster rate than ever before. In order to succeed, leaders need to make "leadershifts" or changes that will enhance their personal and organizational growth.

Maxwell argues that leaders need to embrace 11 leadershifts during their careers that challenge their thinking on how they approach their role as a leader, how they motivate their employees and how they will lead their organizations into the future.

Leadershift is one of those books that we will pull off the shelf when faced with a challenge or to spark new ideas.

We'd love to hear what inspired you about this book. And, let us know if you have a book we should add to our library.



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