Three Ways to Drive Pipeline Growth with an On-Demand Webinar Strategy

According to several studies, approximately 30% of all webinar attendance is on-demand, not live. Therefore, to truly capture the full audience, companies need to integrate an on-demand webinar strategy.

First, what does “on-demand” mean? 

An on-demand webinar is pre-recorded and can be viewed at any time. On-demand webinars are increasingly being used as a way to extend the life of content and encourage further engagement long after the live event has taken place. During the pandemic, many companies either hosted or participated in a plethora of webinars and are now looking for ways to leverage the content to build the pipeline.

What are the benefits of on-demand webinars? 

Over 70% of B2B marketers agree that webinars can be the best way to generate high-quality leads. On-demand webinars are a perfect way to attract additional attendees and fuel the pipeline. 

Typically, only 30-40% of people who register for webinars actually attend. This could be due to scheduling conflicts, time zone differences or unexpected tasks that arise. With an on-demand webinar strategy, you can provide these people (and others) the ability to watch the webinar from anywhere at any time. 

But making on-demand webinars available is not enough to drive pipeline growth. In the following paragraphs, we will outline three ways to effectively integrate on-demand webinars into a marketing strategy effectively. 

1 | Set Up an On-Demand Webinar Hub 

Creating an on-demand webinar hub is an effective way to promote webinars in one place, and more importantly, track engagement. Browsing all the webinar data in a single location allows people to explore other content you shared easily. 

By utilizing a webinar channel, you can encourage increased views, engagements and boost lead generation. Just be sure people complete a form before watching a webinar. This way, you can capture leads and create a targeted follow-up strategy based on the webinar topic.

2 | Reformat Your On-Demand Webinar Promotion to Continue to Drive the Pipeline 

An on-demand webinar is only as good as the promotion. In addition to including the webinar in a thank you email, consider breaking it down into bite-size pieces and sharing it on social media as part of your content marketing strategy. Using social media is a cost-effective way to promote on-demand content. The messaging and the creative aspects can simply be refreshed to help breathe new life into a previous webinar.

Additionally, you can promote on-demand webinars as part of your live events or in email marketing campaigns. Referring people back to a webinar may prompt them to view the on-demand hub and engage with the content and even the firm's website. 

3 | Syndicate Your Webinar Content

Third-party sites can be great places to host your webinar content. By placing lead forms and calls-to-action on other sites, you can capture an audience that you otherwise wouldn’t have been reached. These sites include industry publications, industry associations and blogs. Wherever you choose to share the content, make sure to link back to the webinar hub for those who want more.


Webinars are a great way to engage with potential customers as well as nurture existing relationships. But, they take A LOT of work to make and market. Don’t let your efforts go to waste. Engage prospects and future audiences with an on-demand webinar strategy.

Reach out to a member of the LaunchPad Creative team to learn more about how we work with clients to integrate on-demand webinars into a marketing strategy that drives pipeline growth. 


Taylor Conn joins LaunchPad Creative as Marketing Associate


LaunchPad Creative’s Managing Director, Lisa England-Hollenbeck