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Four LinkedIn Features to Grow Your Business in 2022

In case you missed it- LinkedIn recently released new features that can help you connect with prospects and clients online. Watch the recording of our recent event for a crash course on LinkedIn creator mode, live events, newsletter and cover story. Read on for a detailed explanation of each LinkedIn feature.

Creator Mode

This profile setting helps members create and grow their audience on LinkedIn. It changes the connect button on your profile to a follow button. Your featured content and activity are moved to the top of your profile. Likes and comments are removed from your activity section, to point attention to your posts instead. In Creator Mode, you also become eligible to get access to tools like Live Video and Newsletter.

Live Events

LinkedIn Events meets LinkedIn Live Video to allow profiles and pages that meet certain criteria to broadcast live video content to a LinkedIn profile, page, or event, using third-party streaming services like Switchyard. One-to-many, public broadcasts like your firm’s fireside chats, keynotes and AMAs will work well with this format. Live events broadcasted from pages have the option to require registration. Anyone can view live content after the broadcast, too.


Members who have creator mode turned on are eligible to create and share a newsletter. When your newsletter is published, subscribers will be notified via email and LinkedIn notifications. LinkedIn newsletters are a great platform to showcase original content on a unique, professional topic at a regular cadence that reaches your audience’s email inbox.

Cover Story

This feature gives you the option to add a 30-second introductory video to your profile. When members view your profile, a muted three-second preview will appear before reverting to a profile picture. Members must tap to view the full video. This is an excellent opportunity to introduce yourself, your firm, and the content you share on LinkedIn and invite viewers to connect or follow you. For now, these can only be recorded from the LinkedIn mobile app.

Reach out to a member of our team to implement these LinkedIn features and grow your audience. Follow us on LinkedIn for financial services marketing insights and join us on February 16th for The Marketing Mini: demystifying SEO - what you need to know.